Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 32: c’est tout ça quoi
Dive into French in real life. How much can you understand? Follow along with today’s listening quiz from Vivons Heureux. Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear!
Dive into French in real life. How much can you understand? Follow along with today’s listening quiz from Vivons Heureux. Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear!
Improve your French listening skills with this fast clip from the Vivons Heureux podcast. While fast, don’t let that intimidate you! Set your level and listen for what you can hear. Follow along and improve your French listening comprehension!
Take on today’s fast clip about the origin of your fast fashino. How much can you pick up? Don’t be intimidated, set your level and challenge your ears to pick up more. Practice with us daily and understand more than just your teacher’s French.
It’s not a catastrophe when you practice your French listening and improve to understand more. Understand more than just your teacher’s French with us. Take on this clip from Vivons Heureux podcast. Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear!
Improve your French listening skills with French in real life! Take on this clip from the Vivons Heureux podcast and improve your listenign skills to more than just your French teacher.
Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life from the Vivons Heureux podcast. It’s fast and short. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. Use French in real life to improve your confidence!
Improve your French listening comprehension with this clip of fast French in real life! Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. What words stand out for you? Can you hear them all? Take on improving your French listening skills with this short (and fast!) clip from the Vivons Heureux podcast.
Improve your ear for fast spoken French with this clip of French in real life from the Vivons Heureux podcast. It’s 60 words in about 15 seconds. How many can you pick up? Choose your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!
Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life from the Vivons Heureux podcast. It’s a fast pace and filled with useful colloquial expressions. How much can you pick up? Take a listen, set your level and fill in the blanks.
Take on this clip in French to improve your French listening skills. Fast and colloquial, set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen! These words stood out to me: “alors que si”, “c’est ahurissant”, “Ã quel point”, “qui donne sur”, “mitoyen”, and “voisin de palier”.
Boost your French listening skills with this fast clip of French in real life. What have you thought about often? Hear that and other great phrases that caught my eye: “assez souvent”, “on faisait tomber”, “nos petites cellules”, “les uns à côté des autres”, “les uns pour les autres” Set your level and improve your ear for French in the wild!
Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life! Straight from the Transfert podcast (episode 1). Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. These words stood out to me: “il s’est avéré”, “bah”, “faire connaissance”, and “sympa”. Every day keep the habit going and improve your French listening comprehension with us.