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slow (less than 120 wpm)

point de départ

Vivons Heureux, Numéro 1, Quiz 2: point de départ

    Improve your ear for French in the wild with this clip from the Vivons Heureux podcast! It takes it’s time, but still has some challenging words. How much can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks. Words that stood out to me: “point de départ”, “les paroles savantes”, & “fast-fashion”.


    🎵 Learn with music: Vincent Delerm “Les amants parallèles”, Quiz 2: quand même

      Take on some French music to improve your French listening skills. It’s French in real life, but definitely not as fast as some of the other clips on site. How much can you pick up when French is sung? Hear it and pick up some great vocab too. These two expressions stood out to me: “à côté” and “quand même”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

      sur papier

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 82: sur papier

        Improve your ear for French in real life. Sometimes it slows way down. Take a listen to this description of a beau. Can you follow along with it all? Choose your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

        vieux jeu photo

        Transfert s01e22, Quiz 69: vieux jeu

          Improve your ear for spoken French with this clip. It’s a slower one, but still filled with some great expressions. Can you hear: “m’ennuie”, “fait paraître”, and “vieux jeu”? Set your level and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz as you listen!

          tous les trois

          Transfert s01e22, Quiz 52: tous les trois

            Take on another clip of French in real life and improve your listening comprehension skills. This clip is far slower than the average for clips on site. Can you follow along with everything? Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear!

            à la fois

            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 78: à la fois

              Catch a glimpse of how “L’âge désigne un temps écoulé” intertwines with the intricate layers of time. Delve deep into expressions like “à la fois” and let “qu’on m’a posée” stir a moment of introspection. Take today’s quiz, fill in the blanks as you follow along.