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ça doit être

Transfert s01e22, Quiz 48: ça doit être

    Improve your French listening skills with French in real life! Take on this short clip of French and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Set your level and follow along as a dictation. Can you spot all the key phrases we found?

    je pars aux

    Transfert s01e22, Quiz 45: je pars aux

      Improve your ear for French with French in real life! Follow along with this clip about what she did and her big decision. 53 words in 21 seconds, can you catch them all? We highlight: “je me suis dit”, “je pars aux”, and “près de lui”

      qui souffre

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 44: qui souffre

        Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. It’s not a fast one. See if you can catch all 50 words in the clip. Set your level and fill in the blanks fo our listening quiz as you go.

        au moins

        Transfert s01e22, Quiz 40: au moins

          Improve your ear for fast spoken French with this clip from Transfert! Can you catch all these great phrases? “la copine”, “au moins”, “pas de la plus grande souplesse”, and “manifestement”? And can you guess what “soupline” could mean? Hear them all in this clip. Start at any level and fill in the blanks with what you hear as you listen.

          le faire beau

          Transfert s01e22, Quiz 39: le faire beau

            Dive into this clip from Transfert. Can you catch all these phrases? “l’un des derniers”, “souvenirs”, “sa chaise longue”, “couper les ongles”, and “le faire beau” Hear them all in this clip. Take on this listening practice from any level of French, simply choose your level and fill in the missing words as you listen.

            il faut que

            Transfert s01e22, Quiz 36: il faut que

            Can you catch all of these phrases in fast spoken French? Hear “il n’était plus là”, “en train de”, “il faut que”, and “je sois”. When they’re in context they might be sped up, contracted and sound different. Can you catch them all? Start at any level and improve your French listening skills with us. Fill in the blanks with what you hear as you listen!

            open faced palm up hand

            Transfert s01e22, Quiz 26: sa main sur la mienne

              Dive into this clip of fast spoken French in real life. With all the starts, stops, and laughter that comes with it. Can you pick up: “sa main sur la mienne”, “j’étais amoureux de toi”, and “le jour où” in the clip? Hear it all and fill in the blanks as you listen, perfect for any level of French learning!

              bien évidemment

              Transfert s01e22, Quiz 19: bien évidemment

                I love the speed changes in this clip. It starts slow then dives into a real fast clip. There are three words she stumbles over and repeats at the end of the clip. What are you hearing? Dive into some helpful expressions in this clip.

                ils étaient amoureux

                Transfert s01e22, Quiz 14: ils étaient amoureux

                This was a fun one for me to work through. It has multiple paces throughout and while long has some great expressions. Dive in and see if you hear what I hear… Here are some words and phrases that stood out for me: “ils étaient amoureux”, “ils se câlinaient”, “Je ne peux pas m’en empêcher”, “paf”, and “ça ne le fait pas”.


                Transfert s01e22, Quiz 13: renouveler

                Improve your ear for French in real life with today’s clip from Transfert. Can you pick up these words and phrases: “tellement belle”, “renouveler”, and “schéma traditionnel”. Take today’s fill-in-the-blanks listening quiz and practice with fast spoken French in real life.