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5 seconds

Colours in Water

Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 27: ça va ?

    Improve your ear with the fastest clip on site, over 400 words per minute in just a short clip. How much can you pick up? Don’t be intimidated, set your level and listen in. Use the anchor words to discover what’s being said.

    vraiment bizarre

    Transfert s01e01, Quiz 4: vraiment bizarre

      Improve your ear for French with this clip from Transfert podcast. Select your level, and fill in the blanks with what you hear! These words stood out to me: “vraiment”, “bizarre”, and an old standby for any beginner: je m’appelle. Tune in and keep the habit of improving your French going!


      Transfert s01e22, quiz 6: dont

        Take on a short clip today, just 5 seconds long with 20 words. Can you catch all of the 240 words per minute? Nothing too tricky for grammar or nuance in this clip. How do you find it? Let’s continue with today’s transcription quiz, keep up the habit