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du côté des

Transfert s01e22, quiz 5: a-t-elle dit

    Continue with French in real life with this episode from Transfert. Can you pick up: “a-t-elle dit”, “du côté des”, and “les vrais”? Try to fill in all 100% of the transcription in today’s fast clip.

    un foyer

    Transfert s01e22, quiz 2: un foyer

      I’m loving some of the nuance in this clip. Hear phrases like: “débarque”, “un foyer”, “auprès des”, and “malmenés et meurtris”. I wanted to highlight foyer because it is different from our word foyer in English, even our use of “hearth” in English doesn’t contain the depth of meaning here. Take on today’s fast quiz!

      tout ça

      Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 89: tout ça

      Let’s dive into some Hollywood nuance. Can you pick up these phrases: “tout ça”, “Un jour sans fin”, “le personnage principal”, and “attends”? Sure you know “attends”, but have you heard it in this expression? Take a listen to today’s quiz and fill in the blanks as you go.

      on a juste ajouté

      Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 86: on a juste ajouté

        Can you pick up all these phrases in today’s quiz? “Au final”, “jusqu’à nos jours”, “a juste ajouté”, “un petit détail”. Also, I love that deepl translates “mais on a just ajouté un petit détail” as “but with a twist”. Sometimes translations can get creative, it kind of works here. Take a listen and see…

        une forme

        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 83: une forme

        Listen for the phrases: “chaque année”, “gâteaux au miel”, “une forme”, “évoquer”, and “puisque”. How many can you pick up in this slower paced clip? Take today’s quiz and follow along with our fill in the blanks quiz.

        on va s'arrêter sur

        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 79: on va s’arrêter sur

          Discover the layers of meaning with “on va s’arrêter sur” and the depth behind “En plus du”. Dive deep into the tradition and dual sense of “souffler ses bougies”. And did you know these idioms are all used in “le français familier”? Join us in today’s quiz to uncover the beauty of these expressions in everyday French.

          à la fois

          Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 78: à la fois

            Catch a glimpse of how “L’âge désigne un temps écoulé” intertwines with the intricate layers of time. Delve deep into expressions like “à la fois” and let “qu’on m’a posée” stir a moment of introspection. Take today’s quiz, fill in the blanks as you follow along.


            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 76: malgré

              Dive into the evolution of our lives: from the ‘variété de nos devenirs’ to the ‘étapes des vies d’aujourd’hui’. How does today’s pluralistic life contrast with ‘qu’hier’? Unpack the essence of ‘Malgré’ and explore the multidimensional journey of adulthood. Ready for a linguistic exploration? 🌟

              des âges de la vie

              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 71: des âges de la vie

                Dive into the following phrases between 31 words: “psychologie des âges de la vie”, “plusieurs”, and “notamment”. Listen in and fill in the blanks with the quiz. This moderately paced clip is perfect for beginners. Challenge your listening skills at any level and see how many times you have to relisten.

                en tout cas

                Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 66: en tout cas

                  Unlock the real essence of French conversations by understanding common phrases like ‘en tout cas’ and ‘bien installé.’ Today’s quiz offers a glimpse into how life stages have changed over time in French culture. Navigate through love, career, and personal growth while enhancing your vocabulary and comprehension. Take the quiz now!

                  passer vite

                  Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 64: passer vite

                    Dive into some common and useful expressions and look at nuance with “vite” in today’s quiz. It’s moderately paced and 32 words long. Dive in and fill-in-the-blanks with what you hear.


                    Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 63: paraître

                      What do the phrases: “d’une part”, “se rajeunir”, “c’est-à-dire”, “paraître”, “vieillir jeune”, & “entre guillemets” mean? Hear them all in today’s clip. Wow. That is a lot. This clip is slower paced, try to catch all 27 words in it.