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21 seconds

point de départ

Vivons Heureux, Numéro 1, Quiz 2: point de départ

    Improve your ear for French in the wild with this clip from the Vivons Heureux podcast! It takes it’s time, but still has some challenging words. How much can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks. Words that stood out to me: “point de départ”, “les paroles savantes”, & “fast-fashion”.


    Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 1: surnager

    Improve your French listening skills with this clip from Vivons Heureux podcast. It’s a moderate pace, but still filled with some challenging vocab. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen, how much can you pick up? Some vocab that stood out to me: “heureux”, “la fin du monde”, “pistes”, “surnager”, and “ce qui remets en cause”.

    dans nos cartons

    Transfert s01e01, Quiz 13: dans nos cartons

      Improve your ear for fast spoken French with this clip of French in real life. How much can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. These words stood out to me: “dans nos cartons”, “étagères”, “on a l’air”, “tiens”, “sympa”, and “les gens”. Take on this clip of French and improve your French listening skills with us!

      tu en es où

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 88: tu en es où

        Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. How much of this clip can you understand? Listen in and fill in the blanks at your level. Words I looked up? “tu en es où”, “d’une façon”, and “euh bah”. Keep up the practice and dive into today’s clip!

        bonne heure

        Transfert s01e22, Quiz 83: bonne heure

          Improve your listening skills with French in real life! Not just what a French teacher says. How much of this clip can you follow? Set you level and follow along as you fill in the blanks. These words stood out to me, do you know them? “c’est séduisant”, bonne heure”, and “se revoir”.

          je pars aux

          Transfert s01e22, Quiz 45: je pars aux

            Improve your ear for French with French in real life! Follow along with this clip about what she did and her big decision. 53 words in 21 seconds, can you catch them all? We highlight: “je me suis dit”, “je pars aux”, and “près de lui”

            qui souffre

            Transfert s01e22, Quiz 44: qui souffre

              Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. It’s not a fast one. See if you can catch all 50 words in the clip. Set your level and fill in the blanks fo our listening quiz as you go.

              sur le dos

              Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 2: sur le dos

                Hear a bunch of ideas pitched to the boss. Can you follow along? Listen for “on peut pas ?”, “une usine de retraitement”, “la dernière fois”, enfouir discrètement”, “les écolos”, “sur le dos”, & “moins regardant”. Take on today’s quiz and improve your ear with fast spoken French in real life!

                sur les bras

                Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 1: sur les bras

                  Practice your French listening with a PSA about smoking. Whether you agree or not, it’s important to understand PSAs and other announcements in French. What about this one in a business meeting setting? Can you pick up the phrases “fair venir en urgence”, “déchets toxiques”, “sur les bras”, “il faut absolument”, & “et vite”? Take a listen and follow along with our French listening quiz.

                  Exaucer un vœu

                  Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 85: exaucer un vœu

                    Can you catch all these phrases in a clip of French: “se mettre à genoux”, “la prière”, “exaucer un vÅ“u”, and “réaliser”? While they may be a bit esoteric, you can still hone your ear for this French. Slow paced and longer, today’s quiz is ready for you


                    Balades ep. 2, Quiz 5: qui n’aime pas les crêpes ?

                      Improve your ear for French with this snippet from the Balades podcast. It’s 58 words in 21 seconds. How many can you hear and understand? Bitesize French is the best way to improve your French listening comprehension!