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est-ce que

Vivons Heureux Numéro 1, Quiz 28: est-ce que

    Take on today’s fast clip about the origin of your fast fashino. How much can you pick up? Don’t be intimidated, set your level and challenge your ears to pick up more. Practice with us daily and understand more than just your teacher’s French.

    tu en es où

    Transfert s01e22, Quiz 88: tu en es où

      Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. How much of this clip can you understand? Listen in and fill in the blanks at your level. Words I looked up? “tu en es où”, “d’une façon”, and “euh bah”. Keep up the practice and dive into today’s clip!

      il est arrivé un moment

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 29: il est arrivé un moment

        Dive into this next clip of French in real life. Hear “il est arrivé un moment”, “ça ne me convenait plus”, “un petit peu moins excitant, un petit peu moins sympa” and “m’en dégager”. Take on the transcription of this clip and practice your French listening skills from beginner to advanced.

        un point de

        Transfert s01e22, quiz 7: un point de

        Improve your ear with this clip of French that is fast and possibly a bit poetic. Some esoteric words and phrases to hone your ear with. Do you know “comme une béance” or “nous a entravés”? Hear them and others in this 12 second phrase. Take today’s transcription quiz! And what does your ear hear “un point de …”

        tous les coups

        Anti Smoking Pub, Quiz 4: tous les coups

          Dive into a French language PSA and see how much you can follow. I love this episode as it goes from formal to colloquial. Hear this colloquial bit of French with “les gars:”, “ça marche à tous les coups”, “truc là”, “assez bien”, and “bah rien”. Oh yeah, and a swear, but you probably already know that word. Hear them all and follow along with our quiz of boardroom colloquial French with today’s 4th installment of a PSA!


          Manger ep. 1, Quiz 58: faire perdre

            “perdre 2kg par semaine” what does that mean? And what is not going to cause you to do that? Hear it in this short clip of French in real life. Take our transcription quiz at any level and see how much you can hear.

            do you know how to say "nothing to do with" in French? hear it in this short clip from the manger podcast. start at any level and improve your French listening skills!

            Manger ep. 1, Quiz 11: n’avait rien à voir

              Start at any level and improve your French listening comprehension with this clip from Manger! It’s 24 words in 7 seconds, choose how much of the transcript you see and fill in the rest. A1 or C1, try it and listen to your ear advance.