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188 wpm

cette folie

Transfert s01e01, Quiz 19: cette folie

    Improve your French listening skills with this clip from the Transfert podcast episode 1. What is showing up for you – how many listens to get everything? These words stood out to me: “m’a rendu fou”, “cette folie”, “n’a fait qu’empirer”, and “m’immiscer dans”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

    rendu compte

    Transfert s01e22, Quiz 59: je suis rendu compte

      Improve your French listening skills by diving into a clip of French in real life. Can you pick up all the words in this phrase? Some that stood out to me: “rendu compte”, “en fait”, & “plein de”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

      ont bossé

      Transfert s01e22, Quiz 50: ont bossé

        Improve your French listening skills with today’s clip of French in real life. This longer clip is from Transfert. Can you pick up all the words in this clip? I found “connu la guerre”, “ont bossé”, and “pour eux” all interesting. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!


        Transfert s01e22, Quiz 16: Il n’y a jamais

          What does she mean by vulgar? I’m not sure we’ll know, but see if you can pick up “vulgarité” and “vulgaire” in this 7 second clip. Fill in the blanks and improve your ear for fast spoken French!