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donc quoi

Transfert s01e22, Quiz 37: quoi

    Can you catch all 7 filler words in this clip of 36 words? That’s basically 20% filler words and might be more common than your teacher will let you believe in fast spoken French. This demonstrates how someone might speak through a more difficult topic like the death of a parent. Take a listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear. Start from any level, simply choose how much of the clip you can see to start!

    jusqu'à la fin

    Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 92: jusqu’à la fin

      Take on this clip perfect for any starting level to intermediate level. Do you know the phrases “jusqu’à la fin”, “en attendant”, “je vous remercie”, and “à très vite”? Hear them all in this longer clip and practice your French listening skills. Take on today’s quiz with us!

      à ce sujet

      Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 53: à ce sujet

        Improve your ear for French with the transition phrase “à ce sujet” and a taste of the passive voice. How much can you hear in this clip from Passerelles? It’s moderately paced. Fill in the blanks while you listen!

        quelque chose

        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 43: quelque chose

        “Le rapport au temps” and “quelque chose” – What do they mean? Listen to them both and more in this short clip from “Passerelles”. Set your level, take on the transcription quiz, and sharpen your French listening skills. Ready to challenge your ears?


        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 6: n’a rien fait

          Did you know that Balance means Libra? Hear it in this clip of French in real life. Start at any level and practice your listening comprehension. Choose how much of the transcript you can see and fill in the blanks as you listen.