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je me suis toujours dit

Transfert s01e22, Quiz 9: je me suis toujours dit

    Some great phrases fill this moderately fast quiz: “Je me suis toujours dit”, “pas comme les autres”, and “j’arrivais pas à toucher”. Do you know them all? Take on today’s quiz and fill in the blanks as we begin this story…

    un bout de

    Transfert s01e22, quiz 8: un bout de

      Take on today’s clip introducing this next podcast episode from Transfert. Do you know all these phrases? “quelqu’un à qui”, “la moitié de sa vie”, “un bout de”, & “infiniment”, hear them all in today’s quiz. Fill in the blanks as you listen and improve your ear for French.

      un point de

      Transfert s01e22, quiz 7: un point de

      Improve your ear with this clip of French that is fast and possibly a bit poetic. Some esoteric words and phrases to hone your ear with. Do you know “comme une béance” or “nous a entravés”? Hear them and others in this 12 second phrase. Take today’s transcription quiz! And what does your ear hear “un point de …”

      la chasse

      Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 82: la chasse

        Dive into “À cette époque” and hear how it sets the scene. Listen for “vénéraient” and the importance of “des dieux et des déesses”. Don’t miss out on ‘la chasse’ too. Test your ears with our quiz. Can you catch all these phrases in real French talk?

        m'a donné envie

        Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 80: m’a donné envie

          What about the two phrases: “comme vous pouvez le deviner” and “ça m’a donné envie” – can you hear them both? I think they’re great little bits of French in real life. “Envie” always seems to pop up and from the beginning it has always surprised me. Ready for today’s quiz? Dive in, listen and fill in the blanks of our transcription quiz.

          des âges de la vie adulte

          Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 74: des âges de la vie adulte

            Ever thought about the “âges de la vie adulte”? Dive into recent insights with “Plus récemment” published findings. What makes an introduction intriguing? Discover what “je trouve particulièrement intéressante”. Challenge yourself with today’s quiz!

            pas encore

            Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 37: pas encore

              So many great phrases in this quiz & clip! Do you know: “pas de problème”, “le fait de”, “pas encore”, “ça va”, “c’est juste que”, & “je peux pas”? Can you catch them all in French in real life and use them in your own speaking? Try it all in today’s quiz. Set your level and fill in the blanks while you listen!


              Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 26: plutôt

                Are you confident you can use all of these A1 words? Do you know all their meanings in different contexts? Hear these “simple” words along with more challenging vocab in today’s clip. Find words like “À l’origine”, “dans”, “comme”, “plutôt”, and “ou”. Start at any level with our transcription quiz, choose how much of the transcript you can see. Then fill in the blanks to improve your listening skills!

                un rite d'appartenance

                Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 19: un rite d’appartenance

                  Do you know what “un rite d’appartenance” or “relier les gens” means? Hear them both in this clip from Passerelles. Improve your French listening skills with our transcription quiz, choose your level and improve your understanding of French in real life

                  de temps en temps

                  Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 8: de temps en temps

                    Hear “de temps en temps” in a phrase of French. This quiz is straight form Passerelles podcast episode 1. How much can you hear and understand? Choose your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. Improve your listening comprehension skills with us!


                    Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 4: je viens de fêter

                      Improve your ear for French with this clip of French in real life from the podcast Passerelles. Do you know what “j’ai eu envie de” and “un sujet d’actualité” mean? Hear them in this clip and improve your French listening skills with us from any level.