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à me dire

Transfert s01e01, Quiz 15: à me dire

    Enhance your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Loaded with colloquial expressions and turns of phrase. How much can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. “on va créer du lien”, “assez comme ça”, and “à me dire”. Keep the habit going daily!


    🎵 Learn with music: Vincent Delerm “Les amants parallèles”, Quiz 2: quand même

      Take on some French music to improve your French listening skills. It’s French in real life, but definitely not as fast as some of the other clips on site. How much can you pick up when French is sung? Hear it and pick up some great vocab too. These two expressions stood out to me: “à côté” and “quand même”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen!

      c'est rigolo

      Transfert s01e01, Quiz 14: c’est rigolo

        Improve your French listening skills with this clip of fash French in real life. How much can you pick up? I love that it’s got the right amount of colloquial/slang and real grammar. Words that stood out to me: “cool quoi”, “de longues années”, “eux aussi”, “c’est rigolo”, “des vie parallèles”. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen.

        j'ai honte

        Transfert s01e01, Quiz 12: honte

          Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Straight from the Transfert podcast. Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen! How much can you follow? These words stood out to me: “tellement”, “honte”, “il s’avère que”, “on se rend compte”, “ils donnent”, “une cour commune”, and “en train de”. Take on this quiz and improve your French listening comprehension!

          bourgeois apartment

          Transfert s01e01, Quiz 11: bourgeois

            How do you translate bourgeois? Hear it in today’s clip, straight from French in real life (this one comes from the Transfert podcast). How much of the clip can you pick up? Set your level and fill in the blanks as you listen. These words stood out to me: “bourgeois”, “j’avais toujours vécu”, “un truc”, “tu vois”, “réussite”.


            Transfert s01e01, Quiz 9: proprement

              Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Can you pick up all the words in a bit of regret? Set your level and fill in the transcript blanks as you listen! These words stood out to me: “proprement” and “honte”. Take on today’s quiz and understand more than just your teacher’s French!

              votre rapport à

              Transfert s01e01, Quiz 5: votre rapport à

                Enhance your French listening skills with a clip of French in real life. This is the intro to this 1st episode of the Transfert podcast. How much can you pick up? Obviously, proper names might be tough, but what about the rest of it? These words stood out to me: “peut-être”, “votre rapport à”, “même”, “qui est allé le rencontrer”. Set your level and fill in the blanks with what you hear.


                Transfert s01e01, quiz 2: eux-mêmes

                  Improve your French listening skills with this clip of French in real life. Straight from the Transfert podcast. Select your level, listen, and fill in the blanks with what you hear. How much are you picking up? These words stood out to me: “par la fenêtre”, “est arrivé quelque chose”, “vous rêveriez de savoir”, “soupçonnent”, and “eux-mêmes”. Take on today’s clip and improve your ear for French!