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Passerelles ep. 1, Quiz 71: des âges de la vie

    Dive into the following phrases between 31 words: “psychologie des âges de la vie”, “plusieurs”, and “notamment”. Listen in and fill in the blanks with the quiz. This moderately paced clip is perfect for beginners. Challenge your listening skills at any level and see how many times you have to relisten.

    This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

    15 seconds, 31 words

    This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

    of the stages of life

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    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Toutes ces réflexions sont inspirées par les travaux de Christian Heslon, il est professeur en psychologie des âges de la vie. Il a publié plusieurs livres, notamment Petite psychologie de l’anniversaire.

    All these reflections are inspired by the work of Christian Heslon, a professor of life-age psychology. He has published several books, including Petite psychologie de l’anniversaire.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “psychologie des âges de la vie” mean?

    The phrase “psychologie des âges de la vie” translates to “psychology of the stages of life” or “life-span psychology” in English. It refers to the study of how individuals psychologically evolve and change throughout their lives, from infancy to old age.

    Overview: The field of “psychologie des âges de la vie” examines the different developmental stages that individuals go through in their lifetime and aims to understand the psychological changes, challenges, and milestones typical of each stage. It takes into account cognitive, emotional, and social developments.

    Examples of Life Stages:

    1. Infancy: Focus on attachment, trust, and exploration.
    2. Childhood: Emphasis on learning, autonomy, and socialization.
    3. Adolescence: Identity formation, rebellion, peer relationships, and abstract thinking.
    4. Adulthood: Pursuit of career, relationships, family, and coping with life complexities.
    5. Old Age: Reflection on life, coping with physical decline, and facing mortality.

    When to Use: Refer to “psychologie des âges de la vie” when discussing the psychological changes and challenges faced by individuals as they progress through different age groups. It’s especially relevant in educational, clinical, and therapeutic settings.

    Wait… Why “professeur en”?

    In French, prepositions can be quite nuanced and their usage can sometimes depend on the context or established conventions. When referring to someone’s profession in academia and specifying the academic discipline, “en” is often used:

    • “Il est professeur en psychologie.” (He is a professor in psychology.)
    • “Elle est docteure en physique.” (She has a doctorate in physics.)
    • “Il est expert en biologie marine.” (He is an expert in marine biology.)

    The preposition “en” indicates the field of expertise or study.

    Why not “de”? While “de” is a common preposition used to show possession or association, in the context of academic professions and disciplines, “en” is typically preferred. However, there are contexts where “de” might be used, especially when referring to the department or a specific subset within a discipline:

    • “Il est professeur du département de psychologie.” (He is a professor of the psychology department.)
    • “Elle est spécialiste de la physique quantique.” (She is a specialist in quantum physics.)

    In Summary: In the phrase “Il est professeur en psychologie des âges de la vie,” “en” is used to indicate the specific academic discipline in which the professor specializes. The choice between “en” and “de” often hinges on context and established linguistic conventions. In the case of academic disciplines, “en” is the more typical choice.

    What does “plusieurs” mean?

    The word “plusieurs” in French translates to “several” or “many” in English. It is used to indicate an indefinite and relatively small number of items or people, but more than two.


    • “J’ai plusieurs livres sur ce sujet.” (I have several books on this topic.)
    • “Plusieurs personnes sont venues à la fête.” (Several people came to the party.)
    • “Il a visité plusieurs pays en Europe.” (He visited several countries in Europe.)

    When to Use: Use “plusieurs” when you want to indicate that there is more than one item or person, but you either don’t know the exact number, or the exact number is not important to the context. It’s commonly used in situations where the emphasis is on the plurality rather than the exact count.

    When Not to Use/Antonyms: If you’re referring to a single item or person, “plusieurs” is not the appropriate term. In that case, “un” (one) or “une” (one, for feminine nouns) would be used. Similarly, for two items or people, the term “deux” (two) would be used.

    Related Phrases:

    • “Quelques” (a few)
    • “De nombreux” (many, often used for larger quantities)


    • None (Aucun/Aucune)
    • One (Un/Une)
    • A couple (Deux)
    • Several (Plusieurs)
    • Many (Beaucoup)
    • A lot (Énormément)
    • So so so many (Une quantité énorme)

    In Summary: “Plusieurs” is a term used in French to indicate an unspecified number, more than one but not an overwhelmingly large amount. It can refer to multiple items or people and is commonly used to convey the idea of plurality without specifying the exact number.

    What does “notamment” mean?

    The French adverb “notamment” translates to “notably,” “especially,” or “particularly” in English. It’s used to emphasize or single out one or more items from a broader category or list, indicating that they are of particular importance or relevance.


    • “Il adore les sports, notamment le tennis.” (He loves sports, especially tennis.)
    • “Plusieurs sujets ont été discutés lors de la réunion, notamment les questions financières.” (Several topics were discussed during the meeting, notably financial matters.)
    • “Elle parle plusieurs langues, notamment l’espagnol et le portugais.” (She speaks several languages, particularly Spanish and Portuguese.)

    When to Use: Use “notamment” when you wish to highlight specific elements or instances within a broader context, signaling their particular significance. It helps to provide examples or further specify information in both written and spoken discourse.

    When Not to Use/Antonyms: If there’s no need to emphasize or single out any particular item within a category, then “notamment” might not be appropriate. An antonym in certain contexts might be “indistinctement” (indiscriminately), where no specific emphasis is placed on any one item.

    Related Phrases:

    • “En particulier” (In particular)
    • “Principalement” (Mainly)

    Cultural Notes: The use of “notamment” in French is similar to its English counterparts. It serves to provide clarity or emphasis in both casual and formal contexts. It can be found in various types of discourse, from casual conversations to academic texts and formal reports, serving as a tool to draw attention to specific details or examples.

    In Summary: “Notamment” is a French adverb used to place emphasis on particular items or instances within a broader category, indicating their notable importance or relevance. It aids in specifying and clarifying information, drawing attention to key details in various contexts.

    What is opening up for you?

    Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

    Dive into the following phrases between 31 words: “psychologie des âges de la vie”, “plusieurs”, and “notamment”. Listen in and fill in the blanks with the quiz. This moderately paced clip is perfect for beginners. Challenge your listening skills at any level and see how many times you have to relisten.

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