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Passarelles ep. 1, Quiz 90: propre rythme

Hear the phrases “parfois”, “propre rythme”, and “à travers” in context. Take on this clip as we nearly finish the first episode of Passarelles. Listen and fill in the blanks as you go.

This clip is from Passerelles Episode 1. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Listen to the full episode here.

10 seconds, 24 words

This audio sample and transcription is from Passerelles ep. 1. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode

Own pace

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The snippet in English

Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

Fêter son anniversaire, parfois, c’est se poser ses grandes questions et c’est avancer à son propre rythme à travers les âges de la vie.

Celebrating a birthday sometimes means asking yourself the big questions, and moving at your own pace through the ages of life.

The above translation from Deepl. Source

What does “parfois” mean?

“Parfois” is a French adverb that translates to “sometimes” or “occasionally” in English. It’s used to indicate that an action or situation occurs not regularly, but on certain occasions or at certain times.


Literal Usage: “Il pleut parfois en été.” (It sometimes rains in the summer.)

In Context: “Parfois, je me sens un peu seul.” (Sometimes, I feel a little lonely.)

Frequency of Use:

“Parfois” is a commonly used adverb in French, akin to how “sometimes” is used in English. It’s useful for conveying the irregular occurrence of something without specifying the frequency.


  • Quelquefois
  • De temps en temps


  • Toujours (always)
  • Jamais (never)

Difference between “Parfois” and other Frequency Adverbs

“Parfois” can be used interchangeably with “quelquefois,” though “quelquefois” might be seen as slightly more formal. “De temps en temps” is also synonymous but it’s akin to saying “from time to time” in English, which has a slightly different nuance.

In Summary: “Parfois” is a straightforward and commonly used adverb in French to indicate the occasional or irregular occurrence of an action or situation. It’s synonymous with “quelquefois” and “de temps en temps” but each has its own nuance and appropriate context of use.

What does “propre rythme” mean?

The phrase “propre rythme” in French translates to “own pace” or “own rhythm” in English. It is often used to emphasize the individuality of pace or rhythm at which someone does something or something happens.


Literal Usage: “Chacun apprend à son propre rythme.” (Everyone learns at their own pace.)

In Context: “Il est important de travailler à son propre rythme pour éviter le burn-out.” (It’s important to work at one’s own pace to avoid burn-out.)

Frequency of Use:

“Propre rythme” is a commonly used phrase in both informal and formal contexts. It’s a supportive expression acknowledging individual differences in speed and approach towards learning, working, or progressing in general.

Related Phrases:

  • À son rythme: “At one’s pace”
  • Rythme individuel: “Individual pace”

In Summary:

“Propre rythme” is a compassionate phrase used in French to acknowledge and respect the individual pace at which someone prefers or needs to work, learn, or progress. It’s a reflection of an empathetic, individual-centered approach in interpersonal and professional relationships.

What does “à travers” mean?

The phrase “à travers” in French translates to “through” or “across” in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts to indicate movement, perception, or the act of going through or across something.


Literal Usage: “Il marche à travers la forêt.” (He walks through the forest.)

Figurative Usage:

French: “À travers son œuvre, l’artiste explore les thèmes de l’isolement et de l’espoir.” (Through his work, the artist explores themes of isolation and hope.)

Frequency of Use:

The phrase “à travers” is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts in French-speaking regions.

Related Phrases:

  • À travers le monde: “Across the world”
  • À travers les âges: “Through the ages”

Idioms & Cultural Notes:

Voir à travers (quelqu’un/quelque chose): This expression means to see through someone or something, often implying a sense of understanding underlying truths or motives.

  • Example: “Il prétend être heureux, mais je vois à travers son sourire.” (He claims to be happy, but I see through his smile.)

Tirer à travers: This idiom can mean to shoot through something, but can also be used metaphorically to imply going through something quickly or haphazardly.

  • Example: “Il a tiré à travers la porte.” (He shot through the door.)

Passer à travers: This phrase can mean to go through or pass through physically, but can also be used metaphorically to imply escaping a situation unscathed or avoiding a problem.

  • Example: “Il a réussi à passer à travers les mailles du filet.” (He managed to slip through the net.)

Courir à travers champs: This expression means to run across fields, often used to describe someone running freely or wildly.

  • Example: “Les enfants aimaient courir à travers champs.” (The children loved to run across fields.)

These idioms and expressions showcase the versatility of the phrase “à travers” in various contexts, both literally and figuratively.

In Summary:

“À travers” is a versatile phrase used to indicate movement through space, expression through a medium, or passage through time. Its usage is common in both everyday conversation and in more formal or literary contexts.

What is opening up for you?

Comment below with the words you thought you heard, where you struggled, where you surprised yourself, or what you thought about this clip. Every little bit inspires other learners, thank you for being that inspiration to others on their French fluency journey!

Hear the phrases “parfois”, “propre rythme”, and “à travers” in context. Take on this clip as we nearly finish the first episode of Passarelles. Listen and fill in the blanks as you go.

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