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Inner French ep. 001, quiz 56: évidemment

    Start at any level and improve your French listening skills! This clip is 62 words in 29 seconds, how many can you pick up? try it now whether A1 or DELF prepper!

    This clip is from the Inner French podcast Episode 001. Listen and fill in what you hear below. Read more and find a translation below. Find the full podcast here.

    29 seconds, 62 words

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    The above audio sample and transcription is from the Inner French podcast episode 001. We do not own the content. Listen to the entire episode here.


    What’s opening up for you in this clip? I’m open to any and all feedback, as always. Let me know.

    The snippet in English

    Find a translation of this snippet here, how much of this did you hear?

    Quand vous prenez confiance en vous, quand vous voyez que vous êtes capable de vous exprimer, d’utiliser cette langue, c’est très, très gratifiant et ça vous encourage à continuer, ça vous permet de rester motivé, et ça c’est extrêmement important. Mais pour ça évidemment, il faut un moniteur, il faut une personne qui corrige, qui vous écoute, qui vous aide à progresser.

    When you gain confidence in yourself, when you see that you are able to express yourself, to use this language, it is very, very gratifying and it encourages you to continue, it allows you to stay motivated, and that is extremely important. But for that, of course, you need an instructor, you need someone who corrects you, who listens to you, who helps you to progress.

    The above translation from Deepl. Source

    What does “évidemment” mean?

    “Évidemment” is a French adverb that means “obviously,” “clearly,” or “naturally.” It is used to express that something is self-evident, easily understandable, or expected.

    Here are some examples of how “évidemment” is used in different contexts:

    • Évidemment, il va pleuvoir aujourd’hui. (Obviously, it’s going to rain today.)
    • Évidemment, je me souviens de toi. (Clearly, I remember you.)
    • Évidemment, il a gagné le match. (Naturally, he won the game.)

    In French, “évidemment” is derived from the word “évidence,” which means “evidence” or “obviousness.” As such, “évidemment” is often used to emphasize that something is so clear or evident that it should not even need to be stated.

    It’s worth noting that the word can be used in different parts of a sentence and can have slightly different nuances depending on the context. For example, placing “évidemment” at the beginning of a sentence can emphasize the speaker’s confidence in what they are saying, while using it at the end of a sentence can signal that the statement is an obvious conclusion.

    “Évidemment” is a versatile and commonly used word in French, and it can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

    What does “il faut” mean?

    “Il faut” is a French expression that means “it is necessary” or “one must.” It is a very common phrase in the French language and is used in a variety of contexts.

    “Il faut” comes from the verb “falloir,” which is a transitive verb that is used in French to express necessity or obligation. It is often used in conjunction with the pronoun “il” to create the expression “il faut.”

    Examples/Uses: “Il faut” is used in a variety of situations to express a necessity or obligation. Here are some examples:

    • Il faut manger pour vivre. (One must eat to live.)
    • Il faut travailler dur pour réussir. (It is necessary to work hard to succeed.)
    • Il faut que je parte maintenant. (I must leave now.)
    • Il faut que tu viennes avec moi. (You must come with me.)

    “Il faut” can also be used to give advice or make recommendations:

    • Il faut essayer cette nouvelle crème hydratante. (You should try this new moisturizer.)
    • Il faut éviter les aliments gras pour perdre du poids. (You should avoid fatty foods to lose weight.)

    “Il faut” is so commonly used in French that it has become a set phrase and is often used without even thinking about its literal translation.

    In spoken French, “il faut” is often contracted to “faut” in informal conversation.

    The expression “il faut que ça change” (it must change) was a slogan used by French President François Hollande during his 2012 presidential campaign.

    The French singer-songwriter Edith Piaf famously sang “Non, je ne regrette rien” which includes the line “Il faut oublier, tout peut s’oublier” (One must forget, everything can be forgotten).

    What does “un moniteur” mean?

    “Un moniteur” is a French noun that means “a monitor” or “an instructor.”

    In general, “un moniteur” is someone who has been trained to supervise, guide, or teach others in a specific subject or activity. The term is commonly used in the context of education, sports, and technology.

    Here are a few examples of how “un moniteur” is used in different contexts:

    • In education, “un moniteur” can refer to a teaching assistant or student teacher who helps the main instructor in a classroom or laboratory.
    • In sports, “un moniteur” can refer to an instructor or coach who leads training sessions, gives advice on technique, and supervises athletes during competitions.
    • In technology, “un moniteur” can refer to a display monitor or screen that is used to display visual information from a computer, camera, or other electronic device.

    The word “moniteur” is derived from the French verb “montrer,” which means “to show” or “to demonstrate.” As such, a “moniteur” is someone who demonstrates or shows how to do something to others.

    It’s worth noting that “moniteur” is a masculine noun in French. If referring to a female instructor, the term “une monitrice” can be used instead.

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